Saturday, June 18, 2016


Ok so this week we found some new investigators! WOO! It is a family that were actually a contact from the sisters that are in our ward.  They set an appointment with them and it was super good! They had received the missionaries before but had never read the Book of Mormon!  So we talked a lot about that because they thought that we worshiped Joseph Smith more then Jesus Christ. But yeah it was a super awesome lesson and we going back Monday to see how it went!

Also haha so yesterday I had legal stuff to do in Imagracions and the apartment elders had some stuff to do over there also.  They took one of the elders companions because they finished early and they needed to go look at something over in their new pench, to see if it was all good so that they could move in. So me and the other elder went over there to their area to end the division and we found the elders standing in the street with 5 police and some old guy yelling at everyone.  Turns out that no one really knew where the apartment was, so they just tried to open every house on the block.  I guess they figure when they found a door that unlocked, then they knew they were at the right place. BUUT. Some of the doors here are super cheep and if the door isn´t locked you can open it with another key and they opened the house of the old man and he was freaking out because he wanted to know how they got that key and all that jazz.  Luckily the police were really nice and understanding or else we totally could have gone downtown for trespassing!! So yeah that was super super fun... Always an adventure being in the offices. 

We had a zone conference in the temple! It was super awesome and it was like president´s last goodbye and it was really sad but it was awesome. Lots of things learned. 

We also had a family night last night but the only people that showed up (surprise) were just the missionaries. AND then bishop entered and we were all excited and he told us that he had an interview and then he was leaving... SOOO YEAH... 

We had an investigator that just dropped us, her aunt (that isn't a member) talked her out of it and told her a bunch of junk and now pretty much she doesn't want to get baptized. But that was when we went by like 3 days ago so we will see this Sunday if anything has changed when we see her family that are members. But yeah that kind of put a dent in our plans!!

The new mission president arrives the 28th of June. We are feeling pretty stressed!   There are some things that aren't really the best and we want to change them now so that when the mission president comes he just thinks that that is how it always was. We are changing how and where we do the transfer meeting because the last couple have been a disaster and we are making appropriate adjustments to make it better!! But in the end it will just depend on how he likes things and how he wants it.  We are just ship shaping everything up here in the offices because there has always been a senior couple here and now that they are leaving we have to be a lot better and make sure we are on our toes! 

So yeah that´s about it. 

Love you all! Something that I wanted to share this week was about LOVE. When I was in the temple I read in Matthew 25:40-46. And they are really good! I highly suggest that you read it!!!

Have a good week!!!

Elder Ward

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