Saturday, April 2, 2016


Hello Everyone!

We don't really have any special plans for my birthday,  I mean it is just a regular work day.  I was going to make German Pancakes because the traveling assistants are coming over tonight but I forgot to bring money to the store yesterday on P-Day... so yeah, I think we will have like a special something tomorrow because we have a meeting with president, his wife, the assistants, and all the office people, and they all told me that they would make something special!! Haha so it should be a good day! It will be a good birthday if we can go proselyting!! LEMME TELL YA! But we actually got to proselyte yesterday and it was super super awesome!!

I am getting used to driving here in Argentina.   Driving is just a little different here, I mean I had to get used to it for a while but luckily I have the hang of it now and will probably be able to do some hardcore road trips when I get back.  I mean I will probably be doing this for like 5 months soooo yeah. I will get fairly used to it by the time I get home, haha.  We usually talk like the whole time we are in the car and we listen to music, like EFY and stuff like that to keep us awake... But yeah we have listened to the music like 50 times already because neither one of us has a huge selection of music.

Elder Ginatto and I get along super super well, haha we have a ton of laughs together to keep ourselves sane from spending so much time in the car. But yeah, he told me that I have like the same personality of his best friend in Brasil that they have been friends together since they were like 3. So yeah. We are buds.

WELL so this week I had 2 "tramites"  and both of them almost went through without errors. ALMOST, haha.  Little by little I am learning! 

And also this week we got to go out proselyting for 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome! Haha we did like 8 contacts, and had a lesson with a new person we found! The lesson didn't go over too well because the guy pretty much thought he was God. Haha he was a little crazy, but that's ok, we are hoping that we can go more often so that we can find more people that are ready to hear and accept the gospel! 

This week in my studies I focused on patience. And there were 2 scriptures that I really really liked that I read. one of them was Romans 5 3-5, and to be honest I can't remember the other one. But the one in Romans talks about bearing our afflictions with patience and to rejoice in our afflictions because they will give us experience. 

Well have a good week, I love all of you and thanks for all the Birthday wishes! 
Elder Ward

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