Sunday, March 20, 2016


Hola Familia!!

Another busy week has passed.  We spend most of our days in the Truck.  Man I got to take a picture of it! It is a Ford Ranger, and I love it, haha I mean it has had some problems because it is literally running non stop all day every day, but it is a sweet truck!!

You asked about my stress levels.  Well from one to ten, ten being like going home because of too much stress, like a 5, haha. I mean I just really don´t want people to be illegal here, at least here in Argentina if someone is illegal for like a month the won´t deport them so that is good, but yeah it is kind of difficult, haha. But I love it! It is an opportunity to be able to grow and get to know a different style of missionary work! And now that we pretty much never talk to ANYONE except missionaries, every single time that we are with someone that isn't a member we talk to them about the gospel!!! Because honestly the part I miss most about being like a normal assigned missionary is being able to TESTIFY often about Jesus Christ and be his witnesses!!! That for me is the best part about missionary work.

So no we don't get to proselyte. But like I said we contact people all the time. Some other thing that we don´t do is eat, haha because there is so much work to be done that we pretty much eat lunch at like 6 or sometimes we just don´t eat. But one day we were out by some little little cities that are in the farthest part of the mission. The campo cities are Monte, Las Flores, and Cañuelas (all of them are close to Lobos!!) Oh man I wish I could just drive over there and see the people there, but unfortunately it is not in this mission.  I did take some pics of some signs that said Lobos on them!!. And it was like 4:00pm and we happened to stumble on this like restaurant in the middle of nowhere on the highway, so we stopped there to get some food and got talking to the owner/chef/waiter of the joint. And we started talking to him and his wife had died from cancer a couple months ago. And right then and there we started to talk about Easter and that through Jesus Christ our families can live together forever. And the man was left speechless and then he started to weep. We hugged him and all that stuff and now this next Sunday our mission president is going to go to the sacrament meeting of one of the little cities and is going to visit him on his way home and have a lesson with him. WOW. THE CHURCH IS SO DANG TRUE!!

And another thing. We were paying the rent of one of the pench´s and we gave a little card to this lady that was about Easter and we also testified of the same thing and she started crying! Then she told us that that same morning she had read a news article about a little girl that had been molested and she just asked God why all this had to happen, to such a little innocent girl. And now the missionaries are going to go by her house and she is super excited to learn more about our message. 

Yeah even though people told me that I wasn't going to do any proselyting, I have still seen a ton of miracles a seen a ton of prepared people!

ANOTHER MIRACLE THIS WEEK!!! Ok so every week we have our district meeting and I don´t go to them because we don´t really have a ton of time, but this last Tuesday (we have the district meetings every Tuesday) a lady walked into the church and said that she just needed to talk to somebody and that she just couldn't handle life anymore. So the missionaries from our ward had a lesson with her (Hermana Ellie Holt, and her comp Hermana Concenés) and she committed to be baptized and everything and we gave her a blessing and it was just awesome!! 

So yeah here´s the website that has the new Easter video. Share it with someone, you won´t regret it! BUUUUUUT. You will regret NOT sharing it!

I love you all and hope you all have a good week!!!

Elder Ward

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