For behold, the field is white already to harvest, and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth Salvation to
his soul.
I really like that verse, because it explains to us that if we work hard to bring the salvation of others, we bring our own salvation. And I want to see Grandpa again, and the only way that I can do that is to be obedient to the commandments and bring salvation to the souls that are waiting for it here in Argentina, or in the States or where ever I am. A member in our ward found out that her best friends child died Saturday due to brain tumors too. I told her that exact same thing. Now we are going to start teaching this family that just lost their daughter. I just feel grateful that I already have the knowledge of the plan of salvation, because I can`t even imagine the pain that they are feeling right now, thinking that they will never see their daughter again.
Like I said I got a new companion!! His name is Elder Avila, he is brand new, but he served a transfer waiting for his visa like I did but in Brazil cause that`s where he`s from!! He`s super awesome! He`s super jacked and all that good stuff, entered into the UFC and left right before he went on the mission so he likes to fight... I will make sure not to get on his bad side, haha. We are getting along very well, especially since we both want to be obedient, he told me that the comps that he had in Brazil were not very obedient and he said that he was super happy to receive an obedient companion. WOOHOOO!!
I really like that verse, because it explains to us that if we work hard to bring the salvation of others, we bring our own salvation. And I want to see Grandpa again, and the only way that I can do that is to be obedient to the commandments and bring salvation to the souls that are waiting for it here in Argentina, or in the States or where ever I am. A member in our ward found out that her best friends child died Saturday due to brain tumors too. I told her that exact same thing. Now we are going to start teaching this family that just lost their daughter. I just feel grateful that I already have the knowledge of the plan of salvation, because I can`t even imagine the pain that they are feeling right now, thinking that they will never see their daughter again.
Like I said I got a new companion!! His name is Elder Avila, he is brand new, but he served a transfer waiting for his visa like I did but in Brazil cause that`s where he`s from!! He`s super awesome! He`s super jacked and all that good stuff, entered into the UFC and left right before he went on the mission so he likes to fight... I will make sure not to get on his bad side, haha. We are getting along very well, especially since we both want to be obedient, he told me that the comps that he had in Brazil were not very obedient and he said that he was super happy to receive an obedient companion. WOOHOOO!!
We went to the mission presidents house to pick up the new missionaries on Tuesday. While I was there President Thurgood pulled me aside and told me about Grandpa, actually right before that an elder told me sorry for the death of my
grandpa... and I was like... uh... WHAT!? Haha but yeah, tell everyone not to cry too much!! They will see gramps again!
The funeral sounds awesome. Mom said the grandkids are singing We'll Bring The World His Truth. I am singing it
really quietly right now in the Ciber so that no one looks at me too weird, haha.
Being a trainer is good, but my situation is a little different because even if he switches to his native language and starts speaking Portuguese's the people can still understand him. Now if he was American, no one would understand what he was saying, haha so yeah that`s actually pretty nice. There is an American in our pench that just got here and he`s really struggling with not knowing the language especially cause he has a Latin comp so yeah... th-that that don't kill ya will only make ya stronger as our friend Kanye West teaches us.
Our schedule hasn't changed too much, we do have an hour extra of studies in the morning and an hour of language study, so it seems right now like we are in the pench FOREVER!!! But that`s ok, haha.
Our schedule hasn't changed too much, we do have an hour extra of studies in the morning and an hour of language study, so it seems right now like we are in the pench FOREVER!!! But that`s ok, haha.
But anyways! In other news
this week it has been raining a LOT. The ward made a super ghetto canoe that we used to go visit
some members that had their streets and some houses completely flooded! It was
quite the experience! And it was super humbling too. I will call the bishop
today to tell him to send me some pics so I can send them next week!
We also had a meeting this
last Friday for the new people and their trainers and I saw Hermana Holt (I think her name is Ellie) that lives by Stephy! Yeah that was pretty neat, I haven`t seen a face I knew before the mission
in a year!!
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Hermana Holt and Elder Ward |
So it was quite the eventful
week. Glad to hear that Grandpa is finally going to serve again like he did so
many years ago in Scotland!! Love this Gospel so much, and don`t know where I'd
be without it!
Elder Ward
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Spencer and Grandpa Ward |
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