Monday, July 27, 2015


This week we had a Zone meeting, interviews with president, and someone say she would finally be baptized!! After missionaries asking her since December!

The interviews with president were good, and he gave me an AWESOME ANOUNCEMENT!! Instad of coming home the 12 of July next year I will be coming home the 22 of August!! I was so excited!! I am able to serve for 2 years and 9 days! I was so happy to hear that and to be able to serve more time! It was so awesome. The thing is that they can´t release a missionary from missionary work more then 30 days before the day they entered the MTC. If they want that they need  approval from the parents, mission president, stake president, area president, and a general authority... That´s a little much so I decided to leave it as President told me.

We then had an investigator make the decision to be baptized!! And it was really hard. The last time we asked her to pray to our Father in Heaven to know if she should be baptized on August 1st. We then visited her 3 days later. When we came to the house we saw that her and her mom were yelling in the front room. Everything was a mess. She said she wanted to be baptized and now her mom is angry (she is SUPER SUPER Catholic). We entered into the house and tried to explain to the mom why but nothing got through to her. She had the spirit of contention in her and she wasn't going to be accepting anything anytime soon. After the mom left and we got the opportunity to talk to her, she said that she prayed the night before to know if she needed to be baptized. That night she said that she had a dream of her being baptized. She took that as a big ol´ yes. She said that even though her mom was furious with her, she was still going to be baptized. She feels like that it is the right thing to do for her and for her family.

It was such an awesome experience to to able to be here when she made this decision! This week in the Gospel Principles class (the missionaries teach it) I gave the class on chapter 26. It was about sacrifices and the sacrifices some people have made to follow god´s commandments. One of the examples was of Abraham when he was commanded to sacrifice the only son that he had, Issac. 
A challenge would be to make a sacrifice! God gives us challenges to be able to give up earthly things. Whether it be sleep, time, money, whatever. So that after that challenge we can be reminded that the important things are things ETERNAL, like knowledge, our families, testimony. So yeah. Pray to Heavenly Father that he will give you opportunities to exercise your faith, and to be able to make a sacrifice! Pray for mountains to climb! It´s hard to climb the mountain but we know that from the top the view is worth it!

Love you all so much! Have a good week!

Elder Ward!

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