Monday, December 8, 2014


Hola Familia!

I have a new companion, his name is Elder Young. He is from Wyoming and has a ranch up there. He has been out on the mission for like 14 months, and he is a stud! He is an awesome missionary, and we are working hard here in the area of Lobos.

This week was fun! Me and Elder Young got to work and just worked really hard trying to get this area moving! Also. Coldplay is on the speaker system at the ciber (internet cafe) this week so that´s pretty sweet. This week also we had something that´s called Asado at an investigators house. This is one of the big things here in Argentina, it´s like a family dinner every weekend (depending on the family). And they have asado, it´s just a MASSIVE BBQ that´s cooked over a huge fire and there is just meat everywhere. Sadly I had to have my first churriso (like a bratwurst or hotdog) so that was fun, since I haven't eaten one since I threw up at scout camp.   But it was good! We had a bunch of steak ensalada (salad) and just a good ol´feast!

Btw, you asked about meals.  I mostly cook my own meals because in campo people are super busy, and just work aful (spanish for a lot).  

This week we tried to find a lot of people. So we asked everyone we met or talked to and asked them for references, and we found a lot of people! 

Investigators wise no one really new.  There is the couple I told you about last week - They are awesome! This last Sunday the dad went to church! And he loved it and want´s to come to Noche de Hogar (family night, since the branch is small everyone come to). And he is super excited about being baptized at the end of this month! His wife didn´t come to church and we don´t know why, we went to pick them up on Sunday morning and it was raining a ton!! So we got a remis (taxi) to pick us up, but yeah! They are great!!

We also have another couple we are working with - The dad is what we call a dry member. He does everything he is supposed to, but he hasn´t been baptized yet. The problem is that His wife  doesn´t want to get married, and you can´t get baptized if you aren´t married. So we fasted yesterday that his wife will change her mind. 

In other news it´s freaking hot here! And it keeps getting hotter! It´s like 80-85, and what makes it worse is the humidity. Literally all day I am covered it sweat. It really makes me feel sorry for John and Corbin that are in Thailand and Brasil and it´s like a million percent humidity with like 104 degrees.

ME AND MY COMP LOVE THE ADVENT CALENDERS!!! Especially me because it is Lego Star Wars!! It is so fun to open one of those every morning!

Well I love you all and all the things that you have done for me, are doing for me, and will do for me! You are all AMAZING!! 

Love Elder Ward

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