So Pretty sure this week was a little less Eventful as the last sadly but still
a lot happened!
week I got to do my first service project and it was super fun/also scary. We
cleaned up this lady's backyard that isn't able to because she is in a wheel
chair. As we were cleaning we found these gross bugs that I have never seen
before. In spanish they are called Ninos de la tierra. I wish I had a picture of them but I forgot my
camera that day. They are pretty much giant ants that have zebra butts, haha
look them up.
Ninos de la Tierra |
past week we had dinner at one of my investigators homes. Her family is awesome but sadly the father of the house said that they
love that we have devoted our time as missionaries to the Lord and they respect
us but they don't want the gospel and they are happy the way they are right
now. I Just wanted to explode because I know they need this gospel so much!!
Everyone does!!!! Me and Elder Davidson will keep trying but sadly we will
probably have to stop teaching them soon.
went on my second exchange with my Zone leader on Saturday and it was super
fun! We rode bikes around our area a lot and tried to find some people to teach
and we did, he seemed extremely interested and so did
his son surprisingly! So hopefully we will be able to change his life with the
cannot believe that I only have 2 more weeks in my first transfer, it seems
like I got to California yesterday! But we will see if I go to Argentina this
next transfer. I know for sure that I will go to Argentina at the same time as
my transfers but I do not know which transfer I will go, So that keeps the work
even that more interesting! Hopefully I can stay at least one more transfer in
Oxnard because the people here are so awesome!
you all and thank you so much for the love and support of serving a